Neuro Regurgitation

just some random thoughts of mine and a place to put stuff I want to share...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Quarter-life Crisis

At the moment I'm looking for a job. Not just any job, but something that I want to stay in for a period of time and not dread getting up for.

I really envy these people who are in a job and seem to really enjoy what they are doing. They leave school, go to varsity, get a degree, get a job and seem pretty happy with what they are doing. How did they know that that was what they wanted to do in life at the age of about 18? Or are they settling and maybe some aspect of their personality allows them to settle in order to stave of insanity.

So here's my adult history to date:

1997 to 1998 - Left school, got a Diploma in Business Computing
1999 (8 months) - work in data entry, get paid, enjoy having money, get bored - look for IT work.
1999 to 2000 - Work in IT, contracting, gets lots of money, no leave. Get sick and run down, look for permanent work.
2000-2004 - Work for a bank, supporting their banking software. Get bored, move to a consultant's job. Get bored. Wonder what I can do with my life that is worthwhile.
2005 - Move to Christchurch, do Speech and Language therapy first year. Decide it's not for me. Move back to Wellington. Decide to work part time and study part time.

And here I am, mid 2006. I'm still enrolled in University but have pretty much given up. I'm working part time at the bank. Looking for full time work. But in what? If anything, over the years I have learnt so many things that I DON'T want to do but still am not sure what I actually WANT to do.

My biggest problem was becoming really run down and tired of work. So really, I want to avoid that happening again. But then again, maybe it's a bit of a trade-off. Reliable job that I don't love with a passion for living comfortably.

I'm aware that I'm not alone here. How many other people in the world are struggling with their lifestyle and trying to decide what to do? A lot I bet.

So I'm looking around, hopefully I'll find something. For now I'm happy being back in Wellington and close to my family.


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