Neuro Regurgitation

just some random thoughts of mine and a place to put stuff I want to share...

Sunday, August 14, 2005

A little bit of reality.

I went out today and played in the great outdoors. I spent the morning sunken into a beanbag and reading a book. The sun was shining and, apart from the passing cars on the nearby road, it was pretty tranquil. I lazily hauled my arse up and went inside to have lunch.

In the afternoon a friend came around and took me to a nearby mountain bike track through the forest. I let go and rode fast. I took corners hard. I even tried a few jumps. I came off twice but got back on twice as well.

When I woke up I felt a bit seedy and miserable. But I got up. And I would have missed out on a beautiful day if I hadn't.

Often I forget the need to go out and play. I get so buried by people and things around me that I forget what is really important and what makes me happy.

I must go and play in the sun more often.


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