Neuro Regurgitation

just some random thoughts of mine and a place to put stuff I want to share...

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Maiden Voyage

One way to to exercise your fingers is to wiggle them aimlessly at a keyboard whilst wondering what you can possibly write that would be interesting to someone else, someone who doesn't even know you no less.

This is the first time I've written a blog. It's got no theme or reason behind it. All it is, as the title states, is a mental vomit so to speak, a way of mentally regurgitating the thoughts and feelings in my mind and changing them from a complete shambles to something mildly comprehensible.

So what do I have to say for myself? Well, I'm a 26 year old student from Wellington in New Zealand. I've just moved to Christchurch which is over 300km away from my home town. After working in the corporate game for over 5 years I decided it wasn't for me and moved to Christchurch. A change that didn't progress nearly as smoothly as I had anticipated.

You see, I suffer from an unfortunate illness called Depression. This is something that, although it is not totally incapacitating, plays a big part in my life.

It's taken me a while to find out about my Depression and to understand what part it actually does play in my life. It's taken me even longer to realise that it's something I will never "cure". It has taken even longer than that to realise that it's something I can keep under control and accept as a part of who I am.

Diabetes is a disease that can be controlled. People are given medication, they learn to adapt their lifestyle to make sure that they don't exacerbate the effects of the disease. They live a normal life and are able to do most, if not all, of the things that other people can do.

Depression is the same.

I told you it was a mental vomit. Seems I puked out something worthwhile though, I now have a reason for this blog. To give an example of living a life with Depression and to show how it doesn't necessarily mean that you are "weak" or "hopeless" and to try to explain how there really is no such thing as "normal".


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